All Things Books
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This is a sample of our Gold Package more info page. Most of our more info pages contain up to five well written and meaningful paragraphs. You would make the 300 x 200 pixels image displayed in your listing and on the directory page your own. Each paragraph should be properly separated or indented so as not to make one very long paragraph.

We do offer a few upgrades to this page including more images and more links. Your main image can be placed on our side floating banner of the website. Once clicked it will bring your visitor to your more info page. More information about our various packages and upgrades can be found by clicking here.

Our Gold Package includes our basic listing consisting of up to three lines of text, a 300×200 pixel image and two links. The text can be your name or company name, an email address or phone number. One of your links will lead to your More Info page and the other link will be an external link leading to your website or email address. This package also includes one paragraph of text. Your complete listing will be on our Alt Services page for one year under the category you choose below.

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